The truth about change

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Change is scary, but try to take that first step. Be open to new experiences, try new things, give yourself the time you need to adapt to the changes in your life and career.


26th February 2019

Actress turned writer and entrepreneur Felicia Ricci gave a TED Talk (watch it here), speaking about being ‘racked with doubt’ when making the decision to move away from her professional and lifelong dream of acting.

When dancers come to talk to DCD about what direction their lives will take after a professional performance career, they so often express the same anxiety and doubts – they can be unsure of the next step, whether it will be a success, whether it is the right move.

I myself am currently going through a significant life change – a major lifestyle choice I decided to make that affects my career, my family, my home. It fills me with excitement as well as doubt.

Whatever the major shifts we make in our lives, nothing ever really prepares us for the unexpected challenges that go along with those changes, despite the best laid plans.

That’s part of the thrill and also part of what can hold us back from taking that first step in making the change we want to make in our lives.

What if after making this change, I change my mind? What will everyone think? Will I have failed?

These are natural thoughts, and it is important to give them space and acknowledge them.

So that first idea of career change wasn’t THE one after all – that’s OK (it often isn’t). You changed your mind, after really putting your all into it – that’s fine.

We try new things. We succeed. We fail. We grow.

More often than not it will not be easy and there will be many surprises (both good and less so) along the way, as I have personally found. What is important is to be open to new experiences, to try new things, to give yourself the time you need to adapt to the changes in your life and career.

Change is scary, but try to take that first step. If it seems daunting, DCD’s coaching support for dancers can help you find a way to put your ideas into action.

DCD is here at any stage and any time to help support professional dancers through that journey.


Find out more about coaching here or email to register for our forthcoming EVOLVE workshops – a full day workshop for professional dancers exploring life after a dance career.