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DCD will host an impactful and memorable day of conversations focussed on career development for dancers. This special event will be the pinnacle of DCD’s 50th Anniversary Programme and cater for both dance artists and those who work in the performing arts sector.


20th June 2024

50th Anniversary Inspiration Day

Monday 11 November 2024

Rich Mix, London

This one-day event will examine current and future topics around career development for dancers via a mix of guest speakers, panel discussions, inspirational stories, networking opportunities and a market-place of industry experts – with some added pop-up creativity to fuel our conversations.

The day will be relevant to both dancers (at any career stage) and anyone who supports the career development of dancers, including Producers, Artistic Directors and Educators. It will provide connections with DCD and our current grant-giving and support programmes.

As DCD comes to the end of its 50th year, during which time it has awarded training grants to over 2,500 dancers, this day will enable us to continue supporting the career development of dancers today and into the future, in the most appropriate ways possible. We will look back, sharing the learnings and wisdom of dancers we’ve supported to date, address the here and now of challenges and opportunities currently facing dancers, and discover what new support may be required to future-proof our incredible community.

Please join us to consider, progress and celebrate the boundless potential of our dance community.

Full programme and timings to be announced.

For updates, please follow DCD on social media or sign up to receive our enewsletter.

The Inspiration Day forms part of DCD’s 50th Anniversary programme and follows Inspiration Events held recently in Leeds, Swindon and Birmingham, in partnership with Yorkshire Dance, Swindon Dance, The Jam Festival and Sampad. This Event is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.