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< Insight and Inspiration

As we move towards DCD’s 50th Anniversary in 2023, there is much more to do and we have big ideas for the future. As DCD navigates this journey, I will continue to be grateful for every conversation and connection that gives us the opportunity to do better for all dancers.


16th December 2021

Recently, I have tried to practice gratitude in tangible ways – usually through daily journaling about what I am grateful for or conversations around the dinner table with family. As the year comes to an end, I wanted to share some reflections on what I am grateful for at DCD in 2021.

•Dancers: I am continually grateful to work with and for dancers. To be part of the team that steward DCD is a privilege. The resilience, creativity and courage of dancers, particularly through this unprecedented time, has been inspirational. I am grateful to the dancers who engage in our work and grateful to those who are curious to learn more. I’m grateful to those who give honest and open feedback, which we welcome wholeheartedly.

•DCD Team: I continue to be inspired and grateful for all those involved with DCD, including our dedicated Board of Trustees and Grants Committee, staff team and freelancers. This small and passionate team have worked tirelessly to support over 3,000 dancers from across the sector since March 2020. I am delighted to have welcomed new members to the Board and Grants Committee, as well as new staff members, who will each bring new perspectives, lived experiences and energy to DCD.

•Funders and Partners: Since 1st April 2020, DCD has awarded over £450,000 to dancers including just under £150,000 to freelance and independent artists. This, along with our other free programmes of support, would not have been possible without the gracious and generous support of our funders and partners. I am grateful for the conversations and collaboration.

•Inspiring stories: This year I have observed a number of EVOLVE Digital and Skills for Living Workshops, which have been attended by over 250 dancers. The environment our exceptional facilitators create where dancers feel safe to share thoughts and feelings is a truly special one. Hearing the stories of our guest speakers from around the world and their messages to dancers has been a joy. I am grateful to all those who deliver, contribute and participate in our programmes for sharing their precious ideas and experiences with the DCD community.

As we move towards DCD’s 50th Anniversary in 2023, there is much more to do and we have big ideas for the future. As DCD navigates this journey, I will continue to be grateful for every conversation and connection that gives us the opportunity to do better for all dancers. Thank you for being here for us and for each other as part of the DCD community.

Jennifer Curry, Executive Director, Dancers’ Career Development.