ACT3 Psychology workshops
New for 2021: we are running a series that is FREEĀ TO ALL professional dancers in the UK.
We also run exclusive ACT3 workshops for our DCD Partner Company dancers.
Join former Royal Ballet Principal dancer Jaimie Tapper and Ross McIntosh, Organisational Psychologists and experts in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), for a series of online training events open to all current and former professional dancers in the UK regardless of genre age and location.
Jaimie and Ross will demonstrate how to use the ACT model to build psychological flexibility, creativity and resilience.
The workshops are fun and creative and will focus on teaching you how to use a full range of ACT techniques, that can be applied to a range of life challenges. The sessions will combine theory, discussion and practice of the key techniques. Participation is always voluntary and everyone will leave with handy tools that can be used independently.
You can register for just one session or multiple. Sessions are being run monthly throughout 2021 (except July and December). If your schedule changes please let us know so we can make space available for others.
All sessions will take place via Zoom. For any access needs please contact , we will be happy to support you.
9. Communication Skills – valuing yourself and finding your voice
Friday 29th October 1:30pm-3:00pm. Book by clicking this link here, if full please Add your name to the waitlist by clicking here
There are lots of ways that human beings hold themselves back, usually in order to avoid the risk of experiencing unpleasant feelings and sensations such as self-doubt and anxiety. Often, this avoidance is based on self-stories, such as “I’m not smart enough” or “I’m not a confident person”. In this workshop, Organisational Psychologist’s Jaimie Tapper and Ross McIntosh explore the ways that human beings build stories about who we really are, consider the implications of self-stories on our behaviour and ways that we can move beyond our self-imposed, self-stories prisons to express ourselves more fully.
10. Developing practical mindsets to enhance performance – whether it’s finding motivation for the mundane or managing high stakes anxiety
Friday 3rd December 1:30pm-3:00pm. Book by clicking this link here, if full please Add your name to the waitlist by clicking here
The way we approach tasks and challenges is so important – this approach can be significantly and subtly influenced by our mindset. Sometimes our mindset can be limited by our perceptions of previous experiences or our own stories. Our stories can mean we miss out on a more expansive range of possibilities. Join us to explore perspective taking, learn how to explore and connect with what matters in different scenarios whilst recognising how we might sabotage ourselves through our stories.
A direct difference
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